Russia 2006 Journey Day Eight
Mainz, Germany

                                    [21 July, 2006] Most of Europe has decided to set new heat records and Germany is not spared.
                                    Since records were started, this month is the hottest on record.  However, the good news is the first
                                    day of the International Convention has started.  
                                    Just a couple of weeks ago, the new stadium located in southwest Frankfurt was home to several
                                    World Cup football ( also known as fussball or soccer) games.  The convention was divided into four
                                    sections: German, French, English, and Croatian languages.  Many delegates had garb from their
                                    native lands, including Japanese kimonos, Scottish kilts, colorful Nigerian robes, and yes, lederhosen
                                    for some very young Germans.
                                                                 Stadion Entry                                            English Section                       Japan Delegates                        Overhead Screen
                                                                 Croatian Section                                        French Section                     Japan Delegates                         Retract Roof Canvas

Lobby Return                                                      Created with Fusion 8.0     Last Updated on July 16,  2006, CE